E-shop www.knifeyoulike.com accepts the following payment methods:
- Paysera
- Bank link (over Paysera system)
- Bank transfer
In e-shop www.knifeyoulike you can pay using Paysera system.
How to pay using Paysera:
- Fill in the contact data and select Paysera as the payment method.
- KnifeYouLike will redirect you to Paysera website and will transfer data about the payment amount.
- Login to Paysera system and confirm the payment.
- After confirming the payment, Paysera will redirect you back to knifeyoulike.com.
Bank link
In e-shop www.knifeyoulike.com you can pay using most popular banks in Lithuania AB bankas „Swedbank“, AB „SEB bankas“, AB „DnB bankas“, „Nordea Bank Lietuva“, Danske Bank A/S Lietuvos filialas, , AB „šiaulių bankas“. For payment processing Paysera system is used.
How to pay using bank link:
- Fill in the contact data and select Paysera as payment method
- lt will redirect you to Paysera website and will transfer data about the payment amount.
- lt will redirect you into e-banking system of the selected bank. Login to e-banking system, as usual, the system will have formed payment for the necessary amount. Confirm the payment.
- After confirming the payment, the e-banking system will redirect you back to aic.lt.
Bank transfer
Also, you can pay by usual bank transfer to our account. In payment, purpose enters the invoice serial number.
Recipient: MB “Peilių ekspertai”
Recipient code: 304251120
Bank account: LT89 7044 0600 0814 1064
Bank: AB SEB bank
Payment purpose: enter invoice serial number